Question: please tell me where Africa: Eye to Eye with the Unknown by Michael Bright reader link bookstore book touch

Question: please tell me where Africa: Eye to Eye with the Unknown by Michael Bright reader link bookstore book touch

Question: please tell me where Africa: Eye to Eye with the Unknown by Michael Bright reader link bookstore book touch

> READ BOOK > Africa: Eye to Eye with the Unknown

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Book description

Book description
An extraordinary companion guide to the next landmark natural history documentary series from the BBC, aiming to reshape the way we think about each region of Africa by revealing never-before-seen impressions of the continentSir David Attenborough CBE and the award-winning BBC Natural History Unit embark on a watershed new series, painting a breathtaking portrait of Africa as never before caught on film. This lavish and unmissable companion to the series reveals the undiscovered side of Africas five unique regions. Inspiring photography captures unprecedented glimpses of wildlife behavior, mesmerizing creatures, and magical landscapes that will astound, captivate, and challenge what audiences think they know about Africa. This is a spectacular journey through a vast and diverse continent in all its beautiful and unexpected abundance. Readers will witness the drama of eagles catching giant bats on the wing, lizards stalking their prey on the backs of lions, antelope-hunting monkeys, and a nail-biting giraffe fight; share the discovery of the worlds rarest fish species and the first-ever access to an island sanctuary for the elusive African penguin; marvel at a Congo fish that flies like a butterfly and a lovestruck beetle who thinks hes James Bond; and join a unique expedition to the most extreme parts of this vast continent.
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