Question: please tell me where A walking tour of historic Jewish Portland with people who lived there by Polina Olsen link without registering selling online ebook

Question: please tell me where A walking tour of historic Jewish Portland with people who lived there by Polina Olsen link without registering selling online ebook

Question: please tell me where A walking tour of historic Jewish Portland with people who lived there by Polina Olsen link without

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Book description
In the early 1900’s nearly all Eastern European Jewish immigrants settled in South Portland, an area roughly bordered by Harrison to the North, Park Ave. to the West, Bancroft to the South, and the Willamette River to the East. It was a close and largely self-contained community. There were kosher butcher shops and bakeries, a Jewish orphanage and an old age home. There was social activism including the Workman’s Circle and immigrant benevolent societies. There were schools, a library with Yiddish books, and the Neighborhood House, a focal point with a Hebrew school, citizenship classes, and youth activities. In 1958 Portland voted to create the South Auditorium Urban Renewal District and bulldozers demolished fifty-four blocks of the immigrant community.Despite this, today there are intact reminders of the way life used to be. This Walking Tour takes you to places that remain with people that remember.This book takes you to 14 remaining buildings in old South Portland including a synagogue, orphanage, and old boarding house. Each site includes a photo, walking directions, and the recollections of people 80 - 96 years old who grew up in the neighborhood.
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