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Question: please tell me where A Spy Never Surrenders by Erica Monroe (Goodreads Author) sale price value ios online

Question: please tell me where A Spy Never Surrenders by Erica Monroe (Goodreads Author) sale price value ios online

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Book description
This is a really good spy novel, but the romance left me going blech. Vivian is a governess for the Duke, who is really the leader of a group of clandestine agents. He is grieving over the death of one of his agents, while Vivian is mourning the death of her brother. Turns out that Vivian is actually in his home under false pretenses. Meanwhile James is in need of a wife. How Vivian tells James her secrets and how he reaches the conclusion that he should marry her is a real stretch. Then the part that sent this from a good book to only so so.....You know how the author writes so that the reader knows what is going on in the characters head. Well bam, without warning, James declares his love for Vivian. OK, at that point I was skimming as I just could not trust the words on the page. If you can get past that, the actual story is good and the rest of the characters will likely have some interesting stories. I may or may not pick another one of the authors books up, but if the spy story is first and foremost, I definitely will.
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