Question: please tell me where A Mayan Astronomer in Hells Kitchen: Poems by MartГ­n Espada download book free mobi

Question: please tell me where A Mayan Astronomer in Hells Kitchen: Poems by MartГ­n Espada download book free mobi

Question: please tell me where A Mayan Astronomer in Hells Kitchen: Poems by MartГ­n Espada download book free mobi

> READ BOOK > A Mayan Astronomer in Hells Kitchen: Poems

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Book description

Book description
In his sixth collection, American Book Award winner MartГ­n Espada has created a poetic mural. There are conquerors, slaves, and rebels from Caribbean history; the Mayan astronomer calmly smoking a cigarette in the middle of a New York tenement fire; a nun staging a White House vigil to protest her torture; a man on death row mourning the loss of his books; and even Carmen Miranda.
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