Question: please tell me where A Family Supper by Kazuo Ishiguro wiki book find txt online

Question: please tell me where A Family Supper by Kazuo Ishiguro wiki book find txt online

Question: please tell me where A Family Supper by Kazuo Ishiguro wiki book find txt online

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Book description

Book description
Its almost unlikely for Ishiguro to disappoint me. His works always drive me into thoughts - deep and emotional. The plot reminds me of Ang Lees film, Eat Drink Man Woman, but leaves me with quite a contrary feeling. A Family Supper could be much darker as the story sets in an old traditional Japanese family where the father is a widower with strong principles of his own. His wife died of the poison that comes with the fugu fish many years ago. His son just came back from California because of the dissolution of his firm. His daughter was planning to move to California with her boyfriend and to do some road trips and hitchhiking. That night when the three of them were gathered again after a long while. He decided to cook a fish to his children. However, this short story has an open ending, allowing the reader to interpret freely what is going to happen after the father and his children eat the so-called fugu fish.
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