Question: please tell me where A Dead Bat In Paraguay: One Mans Peculiar Journey Through South America by Roosh V read txt on iphone

Question: please tell me where A Dead Bat In Paraguay: One Mans Peculiar Journey Through South America by Roosh V read txt on iphone

Question: please tell me where A Dead Bat In Paraguay: One Mans Peculiar Journey Through South America by Roosh V read txt on iphone

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Book description
A Dead Bat In Paraguay is a true adventure story about a 28-year-old man who decided that the best way he could deal with his existential crisis was to sell his possessions, quit his professional career as a scientist, and hop on a one-way flight to Quito, Ecuador in order to visit every country in South America.He sincerely believed the trip would put him on a track towards a more fulfilling life of excitement, intrigue, and exotic women, away from his soulless corporate job in a Washington D.C. suburb. Instead, he humorously falls from one country to the next, striking out repeatedly with the local women, getting robbed, having dreams that became reality, self-diagnosing himself with a host of diseases, and suffering repeated bouts of stomach illness that made marathon bus rides superhuman feats of bodily strength. Along the journey he chronicles the friendships, the women, and the struggles, including one fateful night in Paraguay that he thought would lead to his end.(This book is intended for men, and will be almost universally disliked by women because of its sexist themes and occasional toilet humor.)
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