Question: please tell me where A Chronicle of Herbs: This Noble Harvest by Anne Ophelia Todd Dowden eng find free tom touch

Question: please tell me where A Chronicle of Herbs: This Noble Harvest by Anne Ophelia Todd Dowden eng find free tom touch

Question: please tell me where A Chronicle of Herbs: This Noble Harvest by Anne Ophelia Todd Dowden eng find free tom touch

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Book description

Book description
Anne Ophelia Todd Dowden, a renowned and popular botanical artist whose subjects ranged from the flowers found in Shakespeare to the weeds found in New York City, was the author of more than 20 books.She worked mainly in watercolor, producing elegantly detailed images of flowers, insects, herbs and birds.Two of her books won awards from the American Library Association. Her work was also shown in museums and at botanical gardens, including the Smithsonian, the New York Public Library and the Denver Art Museum.
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