Question: please tell me where 101 Stitches to Crochet by Erika Knight kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

Question: please tell me where 101 Stitches to Crochet by Erika Knight kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

Question: please tell me where 101 Stitches to Crochet by Erika Knight kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

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Book description

Book description
Keep it simple, chic and contemporary! So says Erika, textile designer and fashion design consultant, whose trademark has been the traditional with a twist. Coming into knitting via fine art training, she is highly regarded in her field and works for many international companies designing ready-to-wear ranges. Author of Comforts of Home (Martingale), her latest book is Simple Knits for Cherished Babies (Collins & Brown).
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