Qryptop manual

Qryptop manual

Qryptop is a market tracker of changes in various characteristics, designed to track short intervals and impulse movements. But what is more interesting, in the usual linear regression, it gives the value of Q, which shows the strength of the current momentum, and therefore the ability to "follow the trend" and be in profit.

How does it work?

  • Every few seconds, the service reads from the exchange indicators:

- volume (vol)

- prices

- number of buy orders (buy)

- number of sell orders (sell)

- number of coins sold/purchased

  • Actually qryptop acquires much more information, but the above are used for current calculations
  • These indicators are compared with historical data for several periods (5m, 20m, 1H, 4h, 24h, 1W)
  • On the basis of the obtained relative data, the coefficient Q is calculated, which is the calculated impulse force, relative to the historical data
  • IMPORTANT: Qshort is a short-term indicator showing the strength of the movement based on the current state of the selected market
  • IMPORTANT: Qlong is a "stretched" version of the short indicator, and evaluates the momentum in the longer term.

How to use Qryptop?

  • By running the table, the user can sort the monitored pairs by the indicators used, or by name (for example, user looks for pairs with btc only - fits “btc” in search column - only pairs with bitcoin will be displayed). RECOMMENDATION: use Q sorting, or volume/price changes, for 5/20 minutes.
  • The Qshort/Q long switch allows the user to view different time frames and pulses on them.
  • Based on the information displayed in the table, the user can make a trading decision that can execute in fact or theoretically by tracking the chart.
  • By tracking changes in indicators and / or the chart, the user makes decisions about closing a position on favorable terms.
  • The service has the ability to filter the markets by daily volume (Base vol.), in order to avoid false signals from market manipulators. The higher the volume, the more difficult to manipulate the market and vice versa. Each user can choose "what games he plays" by putting the appropriate threshold. IMPORTANT: the recommended value is between 20 and 50.
  • The service also provides an audio notification of the coefficient Q being at a certain level. There are three levels of alerts, and each user can configure these levels to suit their preferences. IMPORTANT: recommended values for levels 1: 85-100, 2: 140-155, 3:200-230


  • We have set a limit on one IP connection from one account at a time.
  • In addition, in order to limit the use of the service, we have established a fee for the use of the service in the amount of 15 USD/month.
  • IMPORTANT: as the service develops and adds new "features", fee for new users might and will rise, while remaining unchanged for old users. IMPORTANT: the user who has made a break in payment for more than a month is considered "new".

By clicking on the "parameters" button, the user can configure the parameters convenient for him. We recommend that you use the following options to get started with the service:

  • BV — base volume
  • V5m, V20m, V1h — relative trading volume change for 5m, 20m, 1H;
  • P5m, P20m, P1h — relative price change for 5m, 20m, 1H;
  • B5, B20m, B1h — relative change the number of buy orders per 5m, 20m, 1H;
  • 5m, S20m, S1h — relative change the number of sell orders per 5m, 20m, 1H;
  • Q — index Q short timing, relative force value of “short” pulse;
  • QL — indicator Q long, which calculates the relative value of the force of the "long" pulse;

The use of such a layout provides the user with the most relevant information for the evaluation of the trading pair, without missing the opportunity of long-term forecasting of the continuation of trend movement.

The service also provides an audio notification of the coefficient q, at a certain level. There are three levels of alerts, and each user can configure these levels to suit their preferences. IMPORTANT: recommended values for levels 1: 85-100, 2: 140-155, 3:200-230

The functionality of the “Q log” allows you to monitor all alerts that are triggered in the service for the period of the online user.

An example of trading decisions on the basis of the testimony service:

  1. “Scavenge”
  • We set a limit on BV, in order to filter out currencies with a small trading volume.

2. "Watching the shots”

  • In the case of a signal from the service we consider the graph at a distance.

Despite the rather significant indicators of Q, when looking at the crypto-currency pair, it turns out that its entire chart is dotted with such "tails”

Such an "analysis" allows us to conclude that the situation on the minute chart is one of the many components of such tails. This means that the signal is not suitable for opening a position. There is a STRATEGY for earning on such currencies, when the trader is required to “pick up” the token on the support and wait for the next “shot”. However, within the framework of this manual, this strategy will not be considered.

3. “Make correct decisions”

  • We consider the emerging trends

"The one who buys on the first day — genius, on the second — late, on the third — loser.” Filter the price changes in one day to see the current trends (the filter can be configured either as a plus or a minus). We track the strong positive indicators of Qlong, resulting in promising pairs.

On the screenshot attached above, we can note the “good” performance on DGB pairs.

Analysis of the daily chart shows the gap between the consolidation level and the desire of the asset to form a growing trend. Thus, when a signal appears on the corresponding pair on a Qshort interval, it is recommended to make a decision about observing or opening a position.

4. “Following the Q short”

The service monitors changes in the structure of the trading pair every 10 seconds. Thus, any strong change will not go unnoticed. If the levels are correctly calibrated, the user will be notified immediately in case of an interesting situation. However, short-term alerts should be approached with the greatest caution and considered as a currency tracking signal. The break of the strong levels of support/resistance is accompanied by severe volume changes that in turn leads the market in motion.

5. Fixing the profit

At the moment, the service does not provide signal for closing a position, however, the triggering of the signal values of Qshort should be considered as a reason to evaluate the position and its revision. Thus, following the indications of Qryptop, it is possible to consider the trading situation in the context of actual changes taking place with It. We are testing hypotheses for the formation of a signal to close the position. We will inform you about the appearance of such an indicator separately.

Project roadmap

  • July 2017: launch of the test version of the platform
  • August 2017: development of q-factor, platform testing
  • Autumn 2017: closed alpha testing of the software among a limited number of traders
  • December 2017: open alpha testing of software
  • January 2018: launch of beta version on Qryptop platform
  • January-February 2018: closed beta testing of the platform, creation of an alert system, creation of a volume filter, design update;
  • Spring 2018: open beta testing of the platform, creation of Qlong (long-term momentum indicator), creation of a table customization system, settings of arbitrary intervals, creation of an automatic registration and access payment system, technical performance improvements.
  • Summer-fall 2018: establishment of a system of adjustable coefficients Q, the addition of indicators in the calculation of the coefficients, writing robot-analyzer cups, improved technical characteristics, the establishment of a system of monetization of user forecasts, preparation of the platform to the release version.
  • October 2018: the release version of the platform, the connection with telegram-channel alerts.
  • Winter 2018-2019: creation of a trading robot that makes decisions based on the q coefficient and opens positions within the smart contract, testing the robot on historical data.
  • March 2019: testing the robot on real data in a test format.
  • April-may 2019: testing the robot on real data with real money
  • Summer 2019: release of the beta API version of the trading robot connected to the user's stock accounts
  • Autumn 2019: release - version of the trading robot.

I'm missing indicator X, Y-coefficient, etc.

At the moment, the service is in the stage of active development, which means that it is constantly updated and supplemented with various options and utilities for comfortable use.

Your suggestions and additions can be sent by mail: aflotskiy@yandex.ru or Telegram account: @Faeleth

Also you can use our forum-platform to leave a feedback and ask for required factors.

And may the force of big green candle be with you!

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