
What is Quasa?

The Fisrt Decentralized Platform of Cargo Transportation. We are changing all traditional platforms and offering solutions such problems as: bureaucracy, high commission costs and insurance limits, informational barriers and court costs.

The main concept of the project is to achieve a technological breakthrough in logistics by means of creating a transparent system of interaction between all the participants.

QUASA decentralized logistic platform offers innovative solutions based on the introduction of blockchain technologies to supply chain management. The platform will help all the participants to obtain considerable advantages of decentralized service and a unique and transparent economic system based on own QuasaCoin crypto currency.

QUASA is a decentralized system which involves a blockchain and consists of several smart-contracts in the perimeter of the block chain and its own crypto currency. Such an approach takes the development of logistic technologies to a completely new level and ensures total security and privacy in the whole supply chain.

The functions of the system are designed to protect cargo owners and carriers through the blockchain and the smart-contract technology in order to eliminate possible problems related to trust, information barriers, and legal costs. The target audience of the service operates in b2b, b2c and even c2c models.

Our mission — is to help cargo owners, carriers, cargo receivers, and other suitable platforms to receive and move cargos on as profitable terms as possible.


For the launch of the project we have selected the Russian logistics market due to the following particular features.

Market volume

Absence of special licensing

Developed IT infrastructure

Close partnership

Legal status of crypto currencies


Today the cargo shipping market has very much in common with the taxi market before it was conquered by internet companies: it is nontransparent, chaotic and divided between regional companies, not thanks to competition but due to unknown internal reasons and rules.

Not many people realize that transport logistics is a huge field which can be compared to the biggest global industries in terms of size. Yet, despite its volume, this field remains largely fragmented and inefficient, with wide presence of intermediaries and the existence of nontransparent business schemes. This definition can be to a greater a lesser extent attributed to both emerging and developed countries.


The main task is to make logistics less expensive so that its share in the total price of the good was as small as possible.

Problem of trust.

Risk of the insolvency of the cargo owner.

Solution for exchange and tax risks

Insufficient insurance

Problem of information barriers and high prices

Risk of hidden damages


The project team which consists of logistics and IT specialists has developed a working prototype of the service. This enabled us to analyze market needs and compare them to the realization of the fully-fledged project.

Calculation of tariffs from 18 international carriers.

Calculation of air companies’ tariffs received through API or from own database.

System of personal areas, including partner areas.

Cargo exchange.

Administrative panel.

Bonus Action Pre ICO

Quasa Logistic

Industry standard

The environment for growth and competitive development for the companies

Guarantees for cargo carriers and cargo owners

Access to the main sales markets

Optimization of use and provision of services.

Advertisement and consulting for companies different values

Quasa, gains and goals

Croudfunding Scheme

QUASA issues 262.445.870 QUA tokens.

After the termination of ICO, additional tokens will be automatically given to Founders, Team, and Bounty members.

The volume of the raised funds (ETH, USD) is ETH 15623 = (USD 18 747 500 at the rate of USD 1200 / ETH).

For convenience and due to constant ETH fluctuation, the rate has been chosen at the level of 1 ETH = $1200 .

From the total amount of 62.445.870 QuasaCoin (QUA) tokens intended for the general emission QUASA will submit 50.769.000 tokens for the sale through ICO at various price levels. Below is the description of these price levels:

Use of gains:

65% development of new functions and services described in the previous section;

hiring of new employees and bearing the expenses related to the development;

elaboration of the infrastructure for developing a logistics market 2.0 as well as developing the member community

17% overheads for launching preICO and ICO, bonuses for the developers

legal costs and other bureaucratic expenses;

bonuses for the founders and for the developers of the platform;

repayment of borrowings used for creating the platform;

10% repayment of investments made by the investors for the development of the project at earlier stages

8% payment of PR services used at preICO, ICO, and Release stages.


In case the campaign does not help to reach the minimal threshold of $100,000 or is canceled, funds will be returned to the same wallets from which they were sent.


We are extremely glad to present you the Alfa Version of the QUASA System (http://www.quasa.net/en)! We have been working on this project for almost three years and now you can see the results of everything we have done! This is the prototype of the system that we will build on the blockchain and now everyone can try to use it and see the report itself! Getting all the information has never been so convenient and you can be sure in its quality which will be guaranteed by the blockchain.

 Thus, unlike many others, QUASA has not only an idea and a wonderful landing, but also a practically working product that everyone can try, both from the client side and from the carriers.

 So now you can test it and have a clear idea of how to just transport the goods! Make the right decision and join us today! Now we are going to share it with all potential partners and make the contracts.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us, you can do this through our socias where you will get help and answers 24/7. You can talk directly to the QUASA founders and ask about all the important details.

Join our preICO (https://quasa.io/) you have the possibility to take part in our sale for investors to the 15th of February. You have the chance to purchase tokens with the best price we have (66,67% bonus). Follow us in socials and visit our website to learn more information about the project:


November 18, 2017, 09:50:54 PM


Prototype #Blockchain Platform: http://quasa.net

White Paper: http://www.quasa.io/whitePaper


ICOBENCH: https://icobench.com/ico/quasa

ICOHOLDER: https://icoholder.com/en/ico/quasa-17076?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_messaging%3BICSKE%2Fo6Q4qrVHje4ZoP5Q%3D%3D

COINHILLS: https://www.coinhills.com/ico/view/quasa-1/

ICORATING: https://icorating.com/ico/quasa/




TRACKICO: https://www.trackico.io/ico/quasa/#overview

Website: https://quasa.io

Telegram: https://t.me/quasafreight

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quasagroup

Twitter: https://twitter.com/quasagroup

#quasa #quasaico #ico #logistics #Blockchain

Bitcointalk Profile : belalangtempur007


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