QIIBEE - Loyalty On The Blockchain

QIIBEE - Loyalty On The Blockchain



The new ideas are coming each day. Individuals need to put resources into the new tasks. We have the greatest instrument on the planet, and it is known as the Internet. The web is a gigantic base of data where we can do anything. Web has associated the whole world. One of these ventures is Qiibee, an undertaking bets on making a steadfastness convention that gives a trustless, secure and provable way to issuing reliability tokens supported by a crypto resource crosswise over various blockchains.


Qiibee is making a dedication convention that gives a trustless, secure and provable way to issuing unwaveringness tokens sponsored by a crypto resource crosswise over various blockchains.

Besides, The qiibee convention gives a trustless, secure and provable way to issuing faithfulness tokens supported by a crypto resource crosswise over various blockchains. It likewise ensures liquidity by permitting simple reclamation, tradability and leave alternatives.

The key components of the LoyaltyToken Protocol

•Steadfast clients

Genuine esteem, convenience, opportunity

•Decentralized Loyalty Apps

Brands can construct DAPPs for qiibee-based faithfulness tokens

•Programming Development Kit

Web wallet and dashboards for unwaveringness token straightforwardness

•Blockchain Plug and Play

LoyaltyToken convention, keen contracts for stamping, staking, trading and exchanging of reliability tokens.

•Everybody — unwaveringness program proprietors, organizations, and engineers — ought to have the capacity to construct their own particular applications without the issue of coordinating blockchain innovation.

•Associate with API

Effectively interface with our API and set up your devotion program.

•Find the SDK

All that you have to set up, oversee, and track your dependability tokens.

•Make your DAPP

Fabricate your own decentralized application over our convention.

All that you need to get started

Qiibee gives a simple to-interface intends to begin building faithfulness programs over the qiibee convention, an API that brands’ designers can use to effortlessly speak with the convention and the blockchain.

The alpha adaptation is as of now live, and we’re continually enhancing the API to convey a smoother, all the more straight forward involvement.

With the qiibee API, you can:

Make dependability tokens

Issue more supply

See significant examination, for example, exchange history, current supply, and that’s just the beginnings

Leave the biological system

Set your LoyaltyToken settings — name, image, decimals, rate to QBX, and so forth.

Reward clients

Make tokens transferable at fast and no cost

Qiibee’s product improvement unit is contained the API, full documentation, instructional exercises and an easy to understand dashboard. We’re endeavoring to manufacture the primary brand-particular adaptation of the dashboard, where brands can without much of a stretch set up their dependability programs through a direct visual interface.

•Dependability token creation

Utilize the token creation area to characterize your LoyaltyToken settings, including: token name, image, conversion scale to the QBX token, token picture, depiction, and so forth.

•Continuous data

Check the square wayfarer to see continuous data about the blockchain where your token lives and the most recent exchanges.


Need a few numbers? The dashboard’s examination segment gives all the critical data about your LoyaltyToken: what number of records hold your token, crest times for rewards, and so forth.

Build your DAPPs on top of our protocol

Brands can construct their own particular wallet applications, where clients can track, send, and procure devotion tokens. The best part is that it’s simple for engineers to associate with our API and make their application.

One case of these DAPPs is our own one of a kind qiibee Wallet. We’ve recently discharged the alpha form for iOS and Android.

•Simple access

Store and discover every one of your tokens in a single place

•Exchange tokens

Trade steadfastness tokens for one other

•Genuine esteem rewards

Offer your reliability tokens for $, ¥‎, € or bitcoin

•More secure

Blockchain innovation ensures your information

•Attachment and Play

Associate with our environment and dispatch your token

•Drawn in clients

Higher commitment and client lifetime esteem

•Evacuate cost

Blockchain innovation is extremely effective and secure

For what reason do we require blockchain innovation?

Blockchain gives a perfect structure to handling the shortcomings of the present dedication showcase: focuses without a genuine esteem, confided in programs (powerless information protection), and very brought together unwaveringness programs.

Decentralized unwaveringness applications. The qiibee wallet is one of the methods by which faithful clients can connect with the LoyaltyToken Protocol. The qiibee wallet straightforwardly speaks with our API which converses with the convention.

Programming Development Kit (SDK)

The SDK streamlines and encourages application improvement running on the LoyaltyToken Protocol, which spares the time, cash, and broad know-how required to fabricate it without any preparation. Devotion program proprietors can center around their organizations and their applications, while we bolster them with our SDK. The greater the network keeping up and expanding on the qiibee convention, the more grounded qiibee’s dedication biological system.

Qiibee’s LoyaltyToken Protocol

Our convention gives a trustless, secure and provable way to issuing devotion tokens supported by a crypto resource crosswise over various blockchains. It additionally ensures liquidity by permitting simple reclamation, tradability and leave alternatives.

Blockchain foundation

Our first usage includes an Ethereum-based devotion blockchain. The picture beneath demonstrates the qiibee vision as far as its blockchain foundation:

The Ethereum-based faithfulness blockchain gives and guarantees rapid exchanges for low or no charges. These qualities are key for a biological community that needs to offer microtransactions and be made standard.


There are four key advantages while considering the Loyalty Token Protocol from a brand point of view:

Brands can “Attachment and Play” with their reliability program. How can it function? In an initial step, the brand’s promoting division sets the financial plan for the steadfastness program, which should be changed over into mark dedication tokens. The qiibee convention at that point makes the brand tokens and sends them to the brand. Highlight that the brand still has full control of the connection with the client, for example finished its individual application’s interface. What’s more, the brand can likewise decide precisely how it needs to compensate its dedicated clients and how it needs to design the recovery procedure.

Expanded level of commitment a brand can accomplish. It has full adaptability in the development of its reward and recovery structure. The vacillation of the brand’s token incentive as far as FIAT likewise emphatically influences client commitment, since clients are apparently intrigued by the estimation of the tokens and are accordingly boosted to hold them for a more extended period. Over that, a brand can take advantage of a substantial devotion network of existing clients on the qiibee biological system, which makes it simpler to support new unwaveringness programs and achieve a wide client reach.

Disposal of liabilities on the organization’s accounting report. Since the tokens that it will give out are tradeable and have a “genuine” esteem as opposed to constituting a guarantee from the organization to be conveyed later on, the tokens won’t be represented as conceded income.

Diminished expenses and hazard. Given that a brand’s program is based on the qiibee convention, the set-up costs for another program are low. Clients are additionally in charge of their own wallets, so the danger of a gigantic information break is alleviated.

Client point of view

When taking a gander at the client point of view, there are again four key preferences of utilizing qiibee for the gathering of reliability tokens:

Outline of all their unwaveringness tokens gathered from various brands in the qiibee biological system. Clients can even now utilize their most loved brands’ unwaveringness projects and interfaces and later import the gathered tokens into one normal place.

Exchanges with their reliability tokens. They can exchange them with different clients in the biological system, send or get tokens from others and partake in the distinctive brands’ reclamation offers.

All brand tokens are cryptographic forms of money fixing to the qiibee token (QBX), which will be traded on an open market. Along these lines, the brand tokens have a genuine incentive outside of the brand setting.

Cash out. The qiibee biological community offers the client the capacity to offer unwaveringness tokens for FIAT or different digital forms of money through outsider reconciliations.

Token details

Token : QBX

Price: 1 QBX = 0.071 USD

Platform : Ethereum

Accepting : ETH

Hard cap : 28,000,000 USD

Token and FUND Distribution

The token and Fund had been collected will use for several purposes. this things as accountable prove to all investor who has joined within QIIBEE project



2015 – 2016

Our journey started with our own off-chain loyalty app

35m Data sets created

100k Active users

6m Customer activities

900 Brand partners


Made strategic decision to build loyalty on the blockchain based on learnings from off-chain app

Created smart contracts on Ethereum and published white paper

Q1 2018

Closed our seed round with approx. 3.2m USD

Invested in team expansion, product development and brand acquisition

Q2 2018

Conducted 2 brand roll-outs in 7 countries reaching 2m customers

API, Software Development Kit, Protocol 1.0

Q3 2018

Open Crowd Sale to fund the qiibee journey

Onboarding of 6 more brands to the qiibee ecosystem

Plug & Play, Dashboards

Q4 2018

Conduct loyalty on the blockchain hackathon

Onboarding of 17 more brands to the qiibee ecosystem

Protocol 2.0


For more information, please visit:
Website: https://qiibee.com/
Whitepaper: https://static.qiibee.com/qiibee-White-Paper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/qiibee
Medium: https://blog.qiibee.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/qiibee
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/qiibee
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/qiibee/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/qiibee-ag/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/qiibee
Github: http://github.com/qiibee

Authored by: duyhenry
+ Twitter: @duyhenryerr
+ Telegram: https://t.me/duyhenry
+ Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1348563
+ Bitcointalk Username: duyhenry
+ My ETH WALLET: 0xe4e4738ed64f115c8e9d28A1817e24d7D16cDA32

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