Q&A live session summary with BANKEX COO Dmitry Dolgov. Circulating supply, BANKEX ambassadors etc.

Q&A live session summary with BANKEX COO Dmitry Dolgov. Circulating supply, BANKEX ambassadors etc.


27th of February, Dmitry Dolgov had a Q&A session in BANKEX telegram chat.


Hi guys, as BANKEX COO I would like to congratulate the community and the team on reaching a critical milestone of the project. We have completed the token sale back office and got our token to the first exchange. Now we are focusing all team efforts on delivering the products. Together we have achieved a big success and on behalf of the management I'd like to thank you for this fantastic job. 
I fully appreciate your concern and I apologize for the lack of info. BANKEX management works 24/7 to make our project the best one in the cryptocommunity. I'm ready to answer your questions now. If I can't answer all of them immediately, we'll thouroghly collect them and I'll answer them later today.

Q: BKX for BANKEX Foundation

A: BKX for BANKEX Foundation - tokens for stimulating open source development and motivation of independent engineers

Q: BANKEX tokens distribution and location. Contracts with advisers and employees

A: We have a separate contract with each adviser and employee. We have been working on this including the terms of reservation, really hard and for a long time. The terms of the contracts depend on how useful a person is for our community. Those who wanted to sell their tokens for whatever reason, were given this opportunity. But let me tell you, the vast majority of our team is keen on using BKX tokens at the products of our ecosystem, not for exchange speculations. This is our common dream, and we'll make it come true.
0x6a6a0b4aaa60E97386F94c5414522159b45DEdE8 - BANKEX Foundation - tokens for stimulating open source development and motivation of independent engineers
0xDdbC59F27332448EC1e3F9797B69169e680F21Dc - advisors' benefication - we are dealing with a huge market and have to summon a big community to become the ambassadors of our mission to tokenize assets and deals. These tokens are mostly reserved for future ambassadors of tokenization technology. The ambassadors must comply with our strict requirements.

Q: Requirements for an ambassadors of tokenization technology

A: What requirements - they must be true advocates for the digitalization of the money, deals and cashflows backed by the assets. We value their compliance with the old-school rules of cooperation in the cryptocommunity, including a scientific approach to solving the problems of the financial markets.

Q: Token circulation supply

A: "Tokens in circulation: 120,000,000BKX(2018/2)" (source) - max. total possible amount of tokens in circulation by the end of 2H2018
Let me make this clear. 120M tokens include 80M tokens sold at the public sale and part of the team's and advisors' tokens. We announced this number as the max. possible amount for circulation in 2018. In reality a lot less tokens were unlocked. My apologies for not making it clear in the announcement.

Q: Trading as a source of income

A: BANKEX is a team of engineers. We develop technologies for the financial market, including trading technologies. One of our key infrastructure products will be smart asset exchanges. But we don't consider trading as a source of income. The history of our operational wallets goes almost a year back - we didn't trade in the spring, summer, autumn of 2017 and we will not trade in the future.

Q: BANKEX team work

A: Our market of crypto assets dramatically changes every 2 months. From the outside it may look like some decisions are made slowly. But BANKEX has been on this market for over 2 years, and we have the skills of taking the right decisions. The team has proved its sustanability, endurance and strength, despite limited resources. Now dozens of the best engineers and experts are joining the team. We'll act faster and stronger at the market. And this will get us to the result. It'll be alright.
The main value of BANKEX is our community and our team. We work hard on the way to the goal, in any market conditions. You're right - our reputation in the eyes of our community is our main motivator.

Q: Cooperation with AmaZix team

A: AmaZix guys are cool, we learned from them a lot. At our market, you have to constantly learn and exchange experience with the other community teams - it's one of the success factors. 👌

Q: Future public token sales

A: The public token sale was completed on 26 Dec. After this date, we are sending back the Ether coming to our wallets. There will be no more public token sale, only sale to the institutional participants of the BANKEX platform, for the tokenization of their assets.

Q: Liquidity

A: Besides, we sold enough tokens during the public sale, at the perfect market conditions. The team has absolutely no problem with the liquidity. The listing at an exchange is an extra opportunity to develop the community and new token buyers. Our team and our partners are working in a regular mode.

Guys, I am glad you're with us, we have the coolest and the most active community. We go on working, if you have an urgent and important question, don't hesitate to ping our community managers and ask the team leaders. We really like you, a lot.


Yesterday I spent an entire evening to talk with the project advisors on their plans to be with BANKEX. The guys congratulated us on the success and were very interested to hear about the OKEx and their technologies, because OKEx one of the largest and most tech-savvy exchanges now. They were impressed by the security procedure, use of telephones and registration, multi-layer system of account security. Their interest in OKEx does not mean the sale of BKX. Advisors whose tokens are unlocked have no plans to sell their tokens.
One of them actually laughed and said: “I’m not a poor guy and I’m not going for speculating at an early stage of the project. Do you think I’m stupid to sell at the beginning? Besides, I hold many crypto assets, so I’m personally interested in the development of the strong teams, so that they could develop the whole market”.
With that said, you’re right Kuki – we’re a blockchain team and we must build and maintain trust, so we are making our work as clear for you as possible.
We publish all news reporting everything that happens in the team, we make reports and product demos, even at a raw stage. Sometimes our news provoke negative reaction from the community, but we will go on publishing all our events, in order to receive your sincere feedback, and this is the right thing to do. Specifically for this I created a cool team – BANKEX Media. You already can see their videos and graphics at our channel.
Our CEO Igor Khmel is now constantly in the US where he is working on partnerships with the best financial institutions in the world and he will get there - he is a great leader and we believe in him.
We do regular livestreaming with the team members for you now, moreover, we’ll set up a continuous livestream from the offices where engineers work, and you will be seeing the whole team and their faces 24/7. Also, we are actively working on organizing continuous livestream on two pilot projects for asset tokenization. Isn’t it cool? The life of smaller assets will be right in front of you, total transparency. I am now organizing the preparation of the premises to be able to do this.
Our engineering team competes and wins at the best global blockchain hakathons, they are the best programmers in the world who also take part in the development of Plasma together with ETH Alliance.
All this isn’t just words, we proved our openness in 2017 – transparent wallets and contracts, search for the right decisions, changes on the website, the evolution of our idea. This was one of the few totally transparent, fair play token sales, and you saw it with your own eyes.
We've come a long way together, and now you - our community - will see the birth of a new technology leader at the market - online.

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