ProtonMail — Википедия

ProtonMail — Википедия

ProtonMail — Википедия

Мы профессиональная команда, которая на рынке работает уже более 2 лет и специализируемся исключительно на лучших продуктах.

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The service can be accessed through a webmail client or dedicated iOS and Android apps. The default account setup is free and the service is sustained by optional paid services. As of January \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[update\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] , ProtonMail has over 2 million users. On 16 May , ProtonMail entered into public beta. PayPal stated that the account was frozen due to doubts of the legality of encryption, statements that opponents said were unfounded. On 13 August , ProtonMail released version 2. The ProtonMail team simultaneously released the source code for the web interface under an open-source license. On 17 March , ProtonMail released version 3. With a new interface for the web client, version 3. These applications are built natively for each respective platform maintaining the gestures and actions familiar with each operating system. After receiving hundreds of thousands of downloads in the first week and thousands of reviews, the ProtonMail mobile apps garnered the highest ranking score in the app and play store. On 19 January , ProtonMail announced support through Tor , at the hidden service address protonirockerxow. ProtonMail Contacts also utilizes digital signatures to verify the integrity of contacts data. From 3 to 7 November , ProtonMail was under several DDoS attacks that made the service largely unavailable to users. The company received an email from the Armada Collective in which they denied responsibility for the ongoing attack. They have since posted that they 'have a comprehensive long term solution which is already being implemented'. ProtonMail uses a combination of public-key cryptography and symmetric encryption protocols to offer end-to-end encryption. When a user creates a ProtonMail account their browser generates a pair of public and private RSA keys:. Upon the account registration, the user is asked to provide a login password for their account. ProtonMail also offers users to login with two password mode that require a login password and a mailbox password. Upon logging in the user has to provide both passwords. This is to access the account and the encrypted mailbox and its private encryption key. The decryption takes place client-side either in a web browser or in one of the apps. The public key and the encrypted private key are both stored on ProtonMail servers. Thus ProtonMail stores decryption keys only in their encrypted form so ProtonMail developers are unable to retrieve user emails nor reset user mailbox passwords. This allows a user to export their ProtonMail PGP-encoded public key to others outside of ProtonMail, enabling them to use the key for email encryption. An email sent from one ProtonMail account to another is automatically encrypted with the public key of the recipient. Once encrypted only the private key of the recipient can decrypt the email. When the recipient logs in their mailbox password decrypts their private key and unlocks their inbox. Emails sent from ProtonMail to non-ProtonMail email addresses may optionally be sent in plain text or with end-to-end encryption. With encryption the email is encrypted with AES under a user-supplied password. The recipient receives a link to the ProtonMail website on which they can enter the password and read the decrypted email. ProtonMail assumes that the sender and the recipient have exchanged this password through a back channel. ProtonMail currently supports two-factor authentication for its login process. ProtonMail maintains and owns their server hardware and network in order to avoid trusting a third party. They maintain two redundant data centres in Lausanne and Attinghausen in the former K7 military bunker under 1, meters of granite rock. Under Swiss law all surveillance requests from foreign countries must go through a Swiss court and are subject to international treaties. Prospective surveillance targets are notified and can appeal the request in court. Each datacenter uses load balancing across web, mail, and SQL servers, redundant power supply, hard drives with full disk encryption , and exclusive use of Linux and other open-source software. ProtonMail is offered with multiple plans: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 20 October Retrieved 19 October Archived from the original on 6 March Retrieved 20 February Retrieved 20 January Retrieved 31 January ProtonMail has launched worldwide! Retrieved 21 July Retrieved 27 January Retrieved 5 November Retrieved 6 November Retrieved 7 March Inside the ProtonMail siege: Schweiz aktuell video in German. Retrieved from ' https: Free software webmail Internet properties established in Cross-platform software Software using the MIT license Free security software Cryptographic software Secure communication Internet privacy software Swiss brands Tor hidden services. CS1 German-language sources de Use dmy dates from September Articles containing potentially dated statements from October All articles containing potentially dated statements Articles containing potentially dated statements from January Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons. This page was last edited on 23 November , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikimedia Commons has media related to ProtonMail.

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