Prolongation of the PlusCoin ICO period

Prolongation of the PlusCoin ICO period


According to the current economic conditions and the late preparation of Legal Opinion, DS Plus Team announces its decision to prolong the period of PlusCoin ICO.

The causes of prolongation of ICO:

  • There is a strong interest from the side of American community, whose representatives were unable to join the crowdsale according to the originally set limitations. We have received more than 30 applications for the opening of branch-offices in the United States of America, Canada and Japan; we cannot ignore them.
  • Late preparation of Legal Opinion for Western markets.
  • Misinterpreting of the project goals on the market in the field of cryptocurrencies.
  • Lifting of restrictions for ICO promotion in the People's Republic of China.

Main obligations declared in the context of Road Map will be complied despite the ICO dates change.

The flow of PLC will be unlocked on November 10th 2017 in accordance with the conditions of the smart contract.

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