Primablock. How to use.

Primablock. How to use.

Andy Hodler
Warning! Do not use your Digital asset exchange wallet address (Bitfinex, Poloniex, etc. are not acceptable!), otherwise your tokens will be locked on that asset exchange forever.
We suggest to use: MyEtherWallet, Metamask, Mist, Parity.
  1. On the site, you need to enter your ETH wallet address.

2. After that, you will get to the Personal Area. Press «CONTRIBUTE ETHER»

"WITHDRAW ETHER" gives you an opportunity to get back your money, before pool send ETH to ICO wallet.

3. Then you need to enter amount of ETH to send. Also, you check if your amount is less or equal to Max.contribution. And if your amount is less than min. contribution - you will get an error.

4. When you're done, Primablock gives you all the data for transaction to send:

  1. Contract address
  2. Sum of ETH
  3. Gas limit
  4. Extra data
To simplify the transaction process, you'll see link to MyEtherWallet. When you press it - there will be all the data filled already. You just verify everything and send the contract.

This how it looks on MyEtherWallet web-site

5. When the tokens become available for withdraw, button will appear. To receive, you will need to send a transaction with data, which will be provided by Primablock. Transaction will be with zero amount of ether.

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