Possessive adjectives spanish worksheet pdf

Possessive adjectives spanish worksheet pdf

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Like regular adjectives in Spanish, possessive adjectives have to agree with the noun they modify. In other words, they have to be singular or plural, masculine or feminine. Example: Es su primo. He is her cousin. Son sus primos. They are her cousins. Es nuestra tia. She is our aunt. Son nuestros tios. They are our aunt and GRAMMAR WORKSHEET. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES. What's my your his her its our their name? What's = What is. This is house. 0 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the above box. 1. Where is ______ classroom? We can't find it. 2. Susan, is that ______ pen on the table? 3. A: What is EXPLANATION: In Spanish, possessive adjectives agree in number with the nouns they describe. They agree with what is possessed, not with the person who possesses it. • Gender Agreement. Read the sentences, paying attention to the boldfaced words. Nuestra madre es maestra. (Our mother is a teacher.) Nuestros Possessive Adjectives. (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) and Demonstrative Words. (this, that, these, those). 36. Discover the Grammar. Read the information about Tim Wilson's family, and then answer the eight questions. 36. Line. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I'm Tom. My name is Thomas, but everyone calls me Tom. I'd like to introduce Section #1. In this first section, just fill in the blank with the correct possessive adjective. If you need help remembering them, check out the vocabulary section @ gringoespanol.com/possessive-adjectives/. 1. My favorite program. use subject pronouns in Spanish, but it's just for practice. 1. My brothers are intelligente. Handout: Greetings and goodbyes Vocabulary, Flashcards: Greetings and goodbyes, Worksheet: Conversation Crossword Puzzle · Worksheet: Reading Pronouns. Spanish to English, Worksheet: Subject Pronouns English to Spanish. You will get more practice with Subject pronouns when you learn "Ser". Grammar: The distinguish between the Spanish pronoun tu (you) and the possessive adjective tu (your). Materials. • Video: vocabulary, adjective review, possessive adjectives; 10 minutes long. • Viewing Guide: vocabulary, possessive adjective charts; 3 Viewing Questions. • Worksheet: translation, using possessive adjectives, tu and tu, POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES - WORKSHEET 1. Page 1 of 1 dlc.k12.ar.us. PossessivesWks1. This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. RFS. A. Complete the following with the These types of adjectives are used to express possession or ownership. When the pronoun is singular, these adjectives do not change according to gender. However, when the pronoun is plural (nosotros or vosotros), the possessive adjectives do reflect the gender of the subject noun. Rocketlanguages. more_vert

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