Poll results for ICO Minerva

Poll results for ICO Minerva

NOSCAM Platform

In total 1000 participants voted


As you can see from the voting results, the voters are positive enough about the project team, but they don’t think that the Minerva project will become a big company. 10% of 100 believe that Minerva may become a company of the level of Microsoft and Samsung and benefit to the community. 

10%, Carl! Like a drop in a bucket.

 Also 65% of respondents do not consider the project as a scam.

 Half of respondents, 550 participants to be more precise, believe that the Minerva project may cease to exist in the next 2 years. Whether this is so, only time will tell.

 The most interesting indicator was the answer to the question: ‘Would you use the Minerva project’s product?’ And 70% of the participants answered “No”. This confirms that voters believe in competence of the team, but they are not interested in the product itself.

On a short term horizon, you may buy Minerva project tokens.

In the medium term and long-term perspective — don’t think so. It all depends on the team. 

Attention. All of the above is for general information. This is not a signal to buy. We do not cooperate with ICO and do not advertise to them. Remember, the crypto currency market is rotten and corrupt.

Website ICO Minerva: https://minerva.com

Twitter ICO Minerva: https://twitter.com/minervatoken

Telegram ICO Minerva: https://t.me/minervachat

Bitcointalk:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2072362.0

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/NOSCAM_TOKEN

Телеграмма:  https://t.me/noscamtoken

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