PixelCam 1.7

PixelCam 1.7

🇯 ️🇴 🇳️ ジョン

Uploaded to the "Mi Note 3 for noobs" channel on Telegram.
Tested on LOS17.1 from Mistercheese & EvolutionX 4.1.69

📷 PixelCam 1.7 by Jairo Rossi

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Code correction for Wavelet Spatial Denoise.
Removed Luma Contrast and Chroma Constraste options (there was no gain with the function).
Other Small Corrections.
ATTENTION Uninstall previous version, after installing this apk clean the camera data before its first use.

WARNING Uninstall the previous version, after installing this apk clean the camera data before its first use.
"report bugs and errors to group administrators, thank you"

⚙️ The best settings for Mi Note 3 (jason). Hundreds of images compared to Parrot, a lot of retouching in the settings to squeeze the most out of this version. 

Because Parrot only works with MIUI and CrDroid. There are people that fingerprint doesn't work on CrDroid and people that don't like MIUI, for the rest of ROMs use this camera. A lot of tests have been done for these settings and will be updated with new versions.

By JonGT23 for all of you 😘

NOTE: Copy this file in the folder "ConfigsSettings7" of the internal storage. Open PixelCam and tap twice bettwen capture button and gallery button to open the windows to restore the configs, and tap "Restore".

IMPORTANT: The "SAB" button is disabled by default. By activating "SAB" you get better pictures especially in low light conditions, a little less noise. In normal conditions the difference is not so much. But it also causes unexpected forced closures or pink tints when you use the "Selfies" option on the front camera. It also causes small freezes right after you take a picture. 

You can choose with the "SAB" button before taking the picture whether you want to activate it or not. 

It is recommended to activate it in low light conditions. It is recommended to deactivate it for selfies.

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