Phpbb upgrade 31

Phpbb upgrade 31

Phpbb upgrade 31

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Phpbb upgrade 3.1

More than 8190 phpbb upgrade 3.1. What I think is being asked is do they switch now for the new features or wait until the last moment to hold on to whatever this version has that may not be in the new version. I do like that the width issue is not a problem. If there is any question about whether we should switch forum software before this version stops getting security updates, then I strongly advise that we switch before that time. The forum looks like the normal phpBB skin and small custom changes can be made for sure in pbpBB 3. Кто апдейт делал без потери работоспособности модулей, нужны ли мосты? I have noticed one difference though. There are also some tips for upgrading from phpBB 3. I think the folks who run Pale Moon are savvy and security conscious enough that they will switch before security updates stop for this version of the forum software. This can be done by using the chmod command from the shell prompt, i. The phpBB group suggests the.

Post navigation Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. The phpBB group suggests the. Happy Pale Moon x64, Fossa Mail x64 under Win7 x64 and Pale Moon for Android 7.

А учитывая, что phpBB сам по себе устарел и мало кем используется, такой титанический труд по обновлению движка, не вижу смысла phpbb upgrade 3.1 - проще мигрировать на более современные форумные движки. Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. It will create a directory called phpBB-3. The responsive design is great and I like the new menus. Inside are more archives showing the changed file for each micro version. Кто апдейт делал без потери работоспособности модулей, нужны ли мосты? If you like his post, you can say thank you We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.

Phpbb upgrade 3.1

One is mentioned in the previous post. Если кто то может то прошу советов. I have noticed one difference though. The error can actually be located in the Apache Server error log file. This can be done by using the chmod command from the shell prompt, i.

If there is any question about whether we should switch forum software before this version stops getting security updates, then I strongly advise that we switch before that time. А все делать с нуля на 3.

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