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Alright everyone a heads up on this site called:
@lordhellebore was kind enough to share what’s going on with this site. It’s mirroring tumblr profiles and other social medias. 
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Note: I have remove some of your names already, still working on going through more before I knock out.
Summary: Rosaleen knew Gaston for sometime now, will, more like knew of him. He was always cocky, almost aggregate at times. He was love and adore by everyone in the village. He was a great captain in the war and the best hunter in the village. He was also a ladies man and everyone knew it. So when he started giving Rosaleen attention, she just felt like another notch in his belt. But Gaston wanted her more than anyone else in the village. He just needed a way to show her that and one day, he finds that way.
“There she is LeFou, my future wife.” I said, admire Rosaleen from a far. “Rosaleen is the most beautiful girl in the village. That makes her the best.”

“She’s so well read and your atheistically inclined.” LeFou said.

“I know. Rosaleen can be argumentative as she is beautiful.” I said.

“Exactly. Who needs her when you got us?” LeFou said, smiling.

“Yes.” I said, letting out a sigh. “But ever since the war, I felt like I’ve been missing something. She’s the only girl that gives me sense of..”

“Je ne sais quoi (I don’t know what)” Lefou said in French. 
“I don’t know what that means.” I said, and I started to head back into town.

I went the through crowd, rolling my eyes at the girls throwing themselves at me. I saw Rosaleen walking just ahead of me and heading home. I grabbed a bouquet of flowers and hurry to catch up to her.
“Good morning Rosaleen.” I said, making her turn to me. “Wonderful day we’re having don’t you think?”

“Good morning Gaston. It is quite lovely today.” She said, smiling at me. “How was your hunting trip?”

“Quite alright. These are for your dinner table.” I said, smiling as I offer her the flowers. “Should I join you tonight for dinner?”

“Not tonight I’m afraid.” Rosaleen said.

“No.” Rosaleen said, shaking her head. “I’m just feeling under the weather. But perhaps you could ask one of conquests.” She looked over her shoulder at the girls that were smiling and giggling at me, then she turn back to me. “I’m sure one of them will love to join you for dinner. Have a good day Gaston.”

I smile as watch Rosaleen walk off towards her home. She was always so headstrong, it’s one of the things I love about her. 
“So, moving on?” Lefou said, as he walked up to me.

“It’s the one’s play hard to get that are always the sweetest prey. That’s what makes Rosaleen so applying. She hasn’t made a fool of herself just to gain my favor. What would you call that?” I said, keeping my eyes on Rosaleen.

“It’s outrageously attractive, isn’t it?” I said, smiling at Gaston. 

After a while I decided to go speak to Rosaleen again, hoping to change her mind. I found her right by her home, tending to a crying child. I smile as I watch her talk to the young girl and help her up. She talked to her gently, getting her to calm down as she clean off her dress.
“There you go little one. Now run along and play with the others.” Rosaleen said, smiling.
“Thank you Miss Rosaleen.” The child said, smiling before she ran off to play.
“You’re quite good with children Rosaleen.” I said, walking over to her. “It’s a shame you don’t have any of your own.”

“I just not ready to have children.” Rosaleen said looking up at me. “Or will I be anytime Gaston.” She stood up and started heading to her home. 

“Perhaps you haven’t met the right man.” I said, following her.

“It’s a small village Gaston, I’ve met them all.” Rosaleen said as she headed up the steps.

“Maybe you should take a look again.” I said, reaching out of her hand and turning to her to face me. “Someone of us have change.”

“I don’t think anyone can change that much. Women follow you around and throw themselves at your feet. I remember you always smiling and flirting with them. How you would tell stories to the other men at the tavern, about the woman you conquer. I also remember you tell them I would be another notch in your belt.” Rosaleen said, taking her hand from mine. “I’m sorry Gaston but I don’t think we could ever make each other happy. If you able to speak of me in such away”

“Oh my sweet Rosaleen, only if you can see I’m not that man anymore.” I said, looking down and letting out a sigh before I looked up at her again. “Yes I’ve said those things nor can I take them back. But that was before I went off to war. Being out there, being in battle I only had one thing on my mind. And that was you my Rosaleen. I wish you would accept my offer and marry me.”

“If you have truly have change Gaston, then you must show me. Till then, I’ll never marry you.” Rosaleen said, opening her door. “Now I really must lay down and get some rest. I’ll see you later tonight at the tavern Gaston.” 

She close the door, leaving me in defeat once more. I let out another sigh as I headed down the steps. I have change, but only if she could see that. I headed to the tavern to get something to eat and drink. Hopefully I could find away to show her that I have change and she’s the only one for me.
I was sitting in my usual spot by the fireplace watching everyone having fun. I kept trying to come up with ways to show Rosaleen I’ve change before she came to tavern to work. But every idea I had just seem to be pointless. 
“Come on Gaston” Lefou said, taking a seat across from me. “There are other women you could choose from.” 

He pointed at the three brunette sitting at the table, smiling at me. I shook my head and their smile faded. I let out a heavy sigh as I looked over at Lefou.
“There no use Lefou, I just want Rosaleen.” I said, taking a drink. “Though at this rate, she’ll never want me.”

“And why would you want her?” Lefou said.

“Who wouldn’t want her?” I said leaning forward towards him. “She’s beautiful, caring, kind, sweet, smart, and not to mention brave.” I lean back in my seat smiling. “I still remember the time with a pack of wolves came into the village. Only her and myself were the only ones that didn’t run away screaming. She even helped me trapped the wolves and remove them the village.”

“I wasn’t running around screaming.” Lefou said and I glare at him. “Okay maybe I scream a little.” I kept glaring at him. “Alright I screaming at the top of my lungs.” I chuckle a bit. “They have claws and every sharp teeth.”

“Oh Lefou.” I said, letting out a sigh as I looked around the tavern. There were a few couples, holding hands and smiling. “I wish me and Rosaleen could be like that. Can you just picture it Lefou.” I looking over at the fireplace “My fresh kill cooking over the fire. Rosaleen sitting on my lap while we watch the children play around with the dogs.” I close my eyes as I smile. “It would a perfect life.”

“Then won’t you tell Rosaleen that. If she ever shows up.” Lefou said.

I opened my eyes and looked around for Rosaleen, but she couldn’t be found. She usually here by now, what’s taking her so long? I got up and went over to the bartender. 
“Poor thing that home with a cold.” He said, pour some ale. “She’ll be out for awhile since she has only herself to take of her.”

“That’s it.” I said going back over to my chair to get my coat. “I’ll see you tomorrow Lefou.”

“Where are you going?” Lefou called out.

“Going to get a chicken.” I said, as before I walked out the door.

“Rosaleen.” I said, knocking on the door. “It’s me Gaston, may I came in?” I didn’t hear an answer, only small sound of sneezing. “Rosaleen, I’m coming in.”

I opened the door and came inside, to see a few candles were lit. I sat the pot I was carrying on the table and went to Rosaleen’s room. I knocked on the door and I could hear my sneezing.
“Rosaleen, may I come in?” I said as I knocked on her door.

“Yes.” Rosaleen said before she started sneezing. I open the door and saw Rosaleen laying in bed. “Why are you here Gaston?”
“To show you the other side of me.” I said, smiling” First, let’s get this fire going, shall we?” I went over to the fireplace in her room and got the fire going. “Now, time for some super.”

“I know you wanted that dinner Gaston, but I’m not cooking tonight.” Rosaleen said before she started sneezing again. 

“I’m the one cooking tonight Rosaleen.” I said, going back to the table and grabbing the pot of food. “Hope you love chicken noodle soup.”

“I didn’t know you could cook.” Rosaleen said as I set the pot over the fire.

“Ever great hunter knows how to cook Rosaleen.” I said, taking a seat on her bed next her. I reach out and move her hair from her face as I smile at her. “Now, won’t you get some rest and I’ll wake when your food is done.”
“Alright.” Rosaleen said, as I cover her up with the blankets. “Thank you Gaston.”

“No need to thank me.” I said, getting up and taking a seat in the chair by the fireplace. “Now close your eyes Rosaleen and get some sleep.”
She smile as she close her eyes, in a few seconds she was fast asleep. I smile as admire the shadows of the flames dance across her face. Rosaleen always trance me in her beauty even in her sleep. I had to pull myself away and look at the fire, otherwise I would get lost to her again.
After awhile the food was finally done and I woke Rosaleen back up. We ate together and talk about wanting to see Paris. I love how curious she was about the world around her. She was full of wonder and adventure, unlike the other girls in the village. She never was like them come to think of it, not at all. I guess that’s what first drew me towards her. It was never her beauty, but who she really was deep inside.
“Gaston?” Rosaleen said, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Where has your mind wonderful off to?”

“To thoughts of you.” I said, smiling when I notice she was blushing. “My thoughts always about you Rosaleen.” I got up and sat down on her bed right next to her. “I always think about your beautiful smile and beautiful brown eyes. Your smooth silk pale skin that suits you just right. Your voice and your laughter that sounds like sweet music that the angels play.”

“And why would you think such thoughts about me Gaston?” Rosaleen said as she moved closer to me.

“Because you’re the woman I love my sweet Rosaleen. The woman one day I hope bares my children. But at last.” I said, looking away. “I’m afraid you’ll never see that I’ve change.”

“I have.” Rosaleen said in a soft voice as I turn to her. “I have.”

She lean towards me as I lean towards her. We both close our eyes as your lips finally met after all these years. She taste so sweet, sweeter than I could ever image. The kiss was simple, almost innocent. But it was so much more.
“Rosaleen.” I whisper her name gently against her lips. “Marry me.”

“Gaston, I..” Rosaleen said, pulling back as she let out a sigh. “I still don’t know what my decision should be.”

“Maybe this…” I said, removing my shirt. “Will help you make a decision.”

I lean over taking her lips roughly, passionately. She let out a soft moan into my mouth, that made me groan. I place my hands behind her head, deepening the kiss. She wrapped her arms around me as I laid her back down on the bed.
I started pulling at her robe as my lips dance around her neck. She called my name as she ran her hands down my back, sending shivers down my spin. I took her lips again as I moved further on top of her. Then I felt her slowing moving off of me. I broke the kiss and looked down at her.
“What’s wrong Rosaleen?” I said, touching her face gently. “Did I hurt you?”

“No.” Rosaleen said, shaking her head. “It’s just…It’s not proper if we…”

“It’s proper if we were married.” I said, reaching into my pocket and pulled out a small box. I opened it and watch her eyes lit up when she saw the ring. “My sweet Rosaleen, will you marry me?”

“Oh Gaston.” Rosaleen said, looking at the ring and then me. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

I place the ring on her finger as we both smile at each other. The ring fit perfecting, on my future bride. She wrapped her arms around me again as I lean down and took her lips again. I felt her hands traveling around me, begging me to take her. 
Though I wanted her, I couldn’t have, not yet. I taste her lips for a few more moments before I decided to break the kiss. Her lips follow mine as I moved away to broke the kiss. She looked up at me, trying to catch her breath.
I smile as I laid down next to her as I kicked off my boots. She rolled onto her side and looked at me confuse. I just kept smiling as I wrapped my arms around her and pulling her against my chest.
“I’ve told you I change Rosaleen.” I said, kissing her lips gently. “I’m quite the gentleman now. Plus.” I smirk at her. “It’s not proper if we’re not married.”

“Oh Gaston.” Rosaleen said, smiling at me. “You’ve truly have change.”

“Yes I have my sweet Rosaleen.” I said, kissing her lips again. “Now rest some more and when your better, we’ll discuss our wedding.”

“Alright.” Rosaleen said, nodding her head before she rest it on my chest. 

“I love you my sweet Rosaleen.” I said, holding her tight. “I promise, I’ll always love you and take care of you.”

“I love you too Gaston.” Rosaleen said, wrapping her arms around me tight. “I’ve glad you have change, because it was getting quite around to keep telling you know.”
“I knew you wanted to say yes.” I said and we both laugh. “Goodnight Rosaleen.”

“Goodnight Gaston.” Rosaleen said as she close her eyes.

I let out a soft sigh as I lean down and kiss the top of her heard. Finally, after all this time, I’ve finally got my sweet… Rosaleen.
NOTE: Made this one since me and @fandomgirl9193 we’re talking about Gaston last night. I hope it was fluffy and made you guys smile to see another side of Gaston. If you guys have any request, please send them in.
Gifs were all created by me using giphy and ezgif

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