



Are you a photo enthusiast and like to take photos to share. Freelance photographer and / or business owner. Photochain is the next generation that sells your photos through the use of new blockchain technology. In this technology using smart contract, can provide safe and verifiable transactions. In this case, the artist has the opportunity to sell it peer to peer (P2P) using this platform and without control of the central authority. Photochain utilizes a platform that distributes fairly through the trade of digital works for buyers and sellers. Ethereum blockchain technology has the possibility to check correct compliance with digital agreements using machines.

PhotoCains aims to provide a fair distribution at a low cost of 5% of products sold and 95% will allow contributors to offer their jobs cheaper.

A clear explanation of company visum as seen below.

Photochain DApp is easy to use by consumers and distributors.

  • Security blockchain is a completely verifiable transaction that is safe for buyers and sellers.
  • The decentralized is encrypted and stored in a decentralized database. There is no primary business that controls the photography you upload.
  • DApp contents will be used exclusively for trade photography. We use bots to ensure only acceptable content is listed.
  • The copyright of your work is permanently associated with your identity throughout the blockchain. This and machine learning plus our active community, protect you from cheating.

Try an app demo here:

Roadmap is very important to show the implementation of the project. The purpose of the company and to determine the annual process. The road map of the photochain is clearly explained.

Token publishing and distribution. Allocation 230 000 000 hard stamp and release of tokens issued after crowdfunding. Allocation of photochain token as described below.

Meet Team:

The ICO or initial coin that offers it is crowdfunding that the people who invest in the company to take part of the company's goals and success. If you are not familiar with photography or do not have products for sale using the photochain platform. This is your chance to become an investor of photochain. Earn profits from company stock.

How to invest in photochain is as easy as today's advanced technology. There is no more traditional way of complexity.

This information helps you.

Pre-Sales PHOTON Hard token tokens: 10,000,000 IPM

Currency received: ETH, BTC, LTC 

#Token exchange rate: 1 PHT = 0.000102 ETH (corresponding in other cryptocurrency, 40% discount on standard IPM price).

Number of tokens per one person: unlimited

Minimum transaction amount in Ethereum: 0.1 ETH 

Maximum transaction amount in Ethereum: unlimited (in Hard Cap)

Minimum transaction amount in Bitcoin: 0.003 BTC 

Maximum transaction amount: unlimited (in Hard Cap)

Start date: 

End Date February: February

Main Sales Photochain

Photochain Crowdsale is an important milestone for the future of the project. Financing will primarily be required to expand the Photochain Governance Team and the delivery of 1. DAP Photochain versions.

Start date: March 2018 

End date: March 2018

PHOTON token Hard Cap: 165,723,285 (minus tokens sold during Pre-Sale) 

Currency received: ETH, BTC, LTC 

The exchange rate is 1 PHT = 0.00017 ETH (corresponding in other cryptoassets, time-based discounts should be considered).

Minimum transaction: (0.1 ETH and corresponding value in BTC / LTC) 

Maximum transaction: (100 ETH and corresponding value in BTC / LTC)

Discount for IPM token: 

Day 1 to 7: -30% discount 

Day 8 to 14: -20% discount 

Day 15 to 21: -10% discount 

Day 22 to 31: discount -5%

The original participants will get a higher bonus.

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