Photochain - Using Blockchain Technology & Stock Photography Revolution

Photochain - Using Blockchain Technology & Stock Photography Revolution


Photochain Photo.

Currently we are living in an innovative web 3.0 era that enables global human networks, with the help of high data and high data throughput. Use of blocker technology with a peer-to-peer (P2P) system safely and securely, without centralized maintenance. This technology opens new horizons for architecture and software applications.

It provides a list of safe and verifiable transactions that are available to all users at any given time.With so-called Smart Contracts, blockchain ethereum technology opens the possibility of setting up the correct digital transaction using the machine. Therefore, the requirement to complete the contract is fulfilled if both parties have fulfilled that part. Thus, the machine leaves no room for harmful interference.

With the Photochain p2p platform, we are releasing a new concept as a next generation stock photography platform. We use this technology to p2p fair trade between digital works between artists and buyers.

Thus, the specific usage requirements for this platform, the terms of safe trading, are uncomplicated and fair for both parties. Wait, the artist receives up to 95% of the final sale price.

Mission Photochain

Photochain provides a clear advantage over conventional photo stocks for contributors and customers. Contributors in this platform will benefit from a 5% sales cost. The opportunity to maintain 95% of the final sale price allows contributors to offer their jobs cheaper, and consequently the market becomes more affordable for customers. This kind of fair market not only benefits the photography industry as a whole, as the possibility of increased revenue contributes to better contributions. 

Photochain's main goal for this project is under three important branches:

  • P2P Marketplace 

This will enable the buyers to offer synergy of blockchain technology and learning machines.

  • The Crypto Economy 

The Photochain platform appeals to a wide audience that still has not adopted blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. The use case of "Photochain" can attract the attention of this audience.The easy-to-use GUI and trade process facilitate the orientation process and support Crypto Economy into the mainstream.

  • Photochain Digital Copyright 

With this component will make the artist strengthen copyright, because his work will be associated with his name.

Platform Photochain

With all existing stock photography platforms, the only way that security in transactions can be ensured is through central control. Compared to that, we create platforms that work independently, safely, and efficiently based on predefined rules.

The DApp Photochain is a platform where artists have the opportunity to sell their work at a wide range of people. The Photochain team has no obligation or responsibility for the illegal behavior of the seller.

Photochain Ecosystem

The DApp Photochain is a specialized platform in stock photography trading, where the process is reduced to the minimum required to ensure simplicity and transparency.

Photochain Token Details

Pre-Sales PHOTON Hard token tokens: 10,000,000 PHT Currency received: ETH, BTC, LTC

Token exchange rate: 1 PHT = 0,000085 ETH (corresponding to other cryptocurrency, 50% discount on standard IPM price).

Number of tokens per one person: unlimited

Minimum transaction amount in Ethereum: 0.1 ETH

Maximum transaction amount in Ethereum: unlimited (in Hard Cap)

Minimum transaction amount in Bitcoin: 0.003 BTC

Maximum transaction amount: unlimited (in Hard Cap)

Start date: January 2017 End date: Now closed

Roadmap Photochain

April 2017 Idea

Ideas, business cases, and market research

June 2017 Project evaluation

Development of DApp prototype

September 2017Strategy & Design

Go-Live from the DApp prototype

October-November 2017 Preparing for crowdsale

Communication and marketing activities

Community Commitment Blockchain

Commitment photography community

Legal form

Advisor and new team members

Preparation 2017 Pre-sale December

Pre-Sales Personal with special discounts for loyal supporters

Pre-Sale Preparation January 2018Private

Pre-Sales Personal with special discount for early supporters

Improved documentation and planning

New team member

Community thrives

New partnership

February 2018Transition

Preparation for Major Sales Events

Compliance and regulations

Develop a more comprehensive version of DAPP Photochain

Sales Event Q1 2018Main (ICO)

Issuance of new collaboration partners

Regulatory compliance for our Major Selling Event

Q2 2018Operation

Photochain DApp Version 1.0 in Ethereum


Trade of IPM token on the Crypto Exchange

Q3 2018Sustainable developmentPhotochain DApp as a stand-alone client on all common operating systems

For More Information Check Below:


White paper:


Twitter: https: // twitter. com / photochain_io



Author: Reank85

Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1913792

Eth : 0xa96dF2a7D1C9BD218530bb98369960b166FC5AB1

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