Paradox Full Movie Online Free

Paradox Full Movie Online Free


Paradox Full Movie Online Free

A group of young scientists are working on a secret project that may allow them to travel ahead in time. They test it by sending one of their own ahead one hour. He returns pleading with them to shut it down, explaining that within that hour, they will all die.
All scientists involved in the time traveling project have no clue that any problems they experience will, or has come from within their own group. With each trip through the time machine, paradoxes begin stacking up on top of each other, as any change in the time line could kill them all, or is it that not changing anything could ultimately cause their demise?
True, this review may contain spoilers. But they should be considered a merciful reprieve. Please, please, take my advice: read the &quot;spoilers&quot; and consider yourself punished enough. <br/><br/>The premise of the movie is fairly simple. A writer needed to prove he had no solid concept of time travel, paradoxes, physics, or the way highly educated people talk. <br/><br/>Here&#39;s my favorite quote: &quot;The only way a time machine can be built is if someone from the future, in which one had BEEN built, used it to come back and build one.&quot; <br/><br/>That could serve as a summary of the general intelligence of the screenplay, and if you say it kind of clumsily while staring into the middle distance instead of at the person to whom you&#39;re talking, you can get a gist of the quality of the acting as well. <br/><br/>Who built future guy&#39;s time machine? I assume some guy from that guy&#39;s future, and so on and so on. At what future point and by what means is the time machine actually built? Who can say? Maybe it was spontaneously built at random like a monkey-typed Shakespearean masterpiece. Maybe it was aliens.<br/><br/>It&#39;s one dumb idea after another, duct-taped together with f-bombs and unmotivated aggression, pock-marked with pointless side action and completely out-of-left-field &quot;reveals&quot; that make no sense. <br/><br/>I gave this thing two stars only because it was so bad it became fun to ridicule. Somebody needs to recommend this to MST3K.
All things considered, this is more than watchable. It has a simple idea, a simple set and it executes it without too much hassle.<br/><br/>I didn&#39;t really get on board with any sense of drama and/or nervous tension, and I was unable to commit myself to the characters. Finding a lot of the acting a touch wooden with predictable scripting, although this may have been an intentional &#39;cheesy humour&#39;, I couldn&#39;t quite tell ! There was one character who didn&#39;t have many lines but was playing a &#39;thug/heavy&#39; role, and in response to some techno babble asked for it to be dumbed down ... I did laugh out loud!<br/><br/>However, I am glad I watched to the end as there was an unexpected twist!


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