Panic On The 522 Movie Hindi Free Download

Panic On The 522 Movie Hindi Free Download


Panic On The 5:22 Movie Hindi Free Download

Three armed men take over a private railroad car, determined to rob and kill the passengers.
SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!This movie just plain sucked and only clocked in at 1 hour and 13 minutes? We left out our basic themes and never got to see what happened after the train got back to the station? Organized mayhem is what was going on in this movie and just had nothing interesting going on except one sucker being shot in the stomach. Weak acting, weak plot, no nothing in this one. Slasher Reviewer gives this one a thumbs down and says throw it in the garbage and keep someone else from wasting there time. I didn't realize this was a TV movie from 1974 until after I watched it. Shame on me for buying this one. I'll stick with slice and dice the next time!!!
When I saw this TV flick I was about 13 years old and thought life was a well-tended suburb. This crude little Movie-of-the-Week helped start me on the road to reality.<br/><br/>I don&#39;t know how they got it by the feel-good police, but this &quot;movie&quot; gave a pretty good accounting of the stark difference between rich and poor and how awful it can be -- the pathetic hopes of the working-class trio of robbers, the frequent hatefulness of their victims, the inevitability of it all when the robbers know they are caught and the system closes in on them.<br/><br/>&gt; Pretty powerful stuff for the time, and almost impossible to imagine anyone in TV Land green-lighting today. Put it down as &quot;Dog Day Afternoon&#39;s&quot; poorer but still worthy cousin -- overwritten and pumped up (but then, wasn&#39;t &quot;DDA&quot; as well?) and make sure to catch it on the late show.


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