Pandorum Full Movie Hd 1080p

Pandorum Full Movie Hd 1080p


Pandorum Full Movie Hd 1080p

In 2174, the natural resources of Earth are exhausted and the spacecraft Elysium is launched to the planet Tanis in the last hope of mankind. Due to the long travel, the crew-members are divided in teams that travel in extended hyper-sleep, rotating in shifts along the trip. When Corporal Bower from Flight Team 5 wakes up due to a malfunctioning of his chamber, he is disoriented and with amnesia. But soon he realizes that the reactor is not working and provoking power surges in the ship. Then Lieutenant Payton also awakes and they find that they are locked in a room but the access door to the bridge is not reactivated. Bower moves through the ventilation trunk trying to open the door from outside. Sooner he discovers that there is some weird threatening life form in the ship and running is always the best option to survive. When he meets the biologist Nadia and the strong farmer Manh, they team up trying to reach the reactor and save their lives. Meanwhile, Payton rescues Corporal Gallo in the room, but the menace of the paranoid Pandorum psychological trauma seems to be affecting Gallo.
A pair of crew members aboard a spaceship wake up with no knowledge of their mission or their identities.
The Novelty and cliché breaking concepts will be realized when the movie credits zoom out but it doesn't mean that this movie is out of clichés - because the concept as it is driven by a clichéd story formula. There has been numerous movies which had tried to replicate ALIEN but not even the sequels to ALIEN could justify the masterpiece. Pandorum is a clone of a zombie/aliens movie set in a space ship and hence even though it offers surprises, the audience have seen it all in many movies/series and hence eventually turn out to be the slower parts of this movie. The places where Pandorum shines are the editing, screenplay and casting. There are moments where CGI shows up B-grade quality but is amp-ed with the editing and screen presence of the actors and this definitely sets the bar high for this movie. I watched it on Netflix, years after its release and this movie definitely holds up well after 8 years! Therefore i give it an 8 out of a 10!
The film is a cross between 'Resident Evil' and 'Alien'. This one is just very dark - and I mean this literally. At times it is so dark that one can hardly see what's happening. There's obviously supposed to be a big twist ending here, but it is not entirely clear what it is.
The movie soon turns into only a production-designed run-and-chase game, and our curiosity about what happened to Earth and the crew is teased and teased again until the movie’s big letdown of a reveal.
2153: Paleo-17 space probe lands on planet Tanis. World Population: 24.34 billion. Food and watershortages are commonplace. a5c7b9f00b

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