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Book description

Book description
This is the epitome of a great picture book! Two wooden figures come alive while lying in the sun and speculate about how they each came to exist. They then both go through scenarios trying to explain how they came to be what they are until their supposed maker comes along. William Steig was particularly fascinated with the story of “Pinoccino” which leads one to see a connection between this tale and that of the old puppeteer. This simple, yet esoteric tale could also be appreciated by adults as the vocabulary level is well above that of most children. The subject is metaphysical: Where did I come from? How did I get here? However, younger children might also enjoy this picture book on a simpler level. The illustrations, particularly the parts where the pink paint is waiting on the hillside for Pink to roll over it to become pink as well as yellow paint for Yellow, are so imaginative and fanciful that the reader fills with joy. There is no separating the pictures from the story in this book; the two are inextricably fused.Ages 3-100 yearsA springboard for evolution or creationismExistentialismStudying point of view
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