PORTABLE Working Holidays with Animals: An Introduction to Voluntourism with a Tail (Article/Booklet) by Nola Lee Kelsey download iphone read english ios

PORTABLE Working Holidays with Animals: An Introduction to Voluntourism with a Tail (Article/Booklet) by Nola Lee Kelsey download iphone read english ios

PORTABLE Working Holidays with Animals: An Introduction to Voluntourism with a Tail (Article/Booklet) by Nola Lee Kelsey downloa…

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Book description

Book description
From Nola Lee Kelsey, the Author of 700 Places to Volunteer before You Die and the Animal Addicts Guide to Global Volunteer Travel, comes this affordable article extended into an informative booklet, introducing travelers to working vacations, volunteering hands-on with both domestic animals and wildlife. In this 32 page booklet, Kelsey has taken her article Voluntourism with a Tail and added 24 in-depth volunteer project descriptions designed to open the eyes of readers to the fascinating word of possibilities volunteering with animals has to offer. Two additional bonus articles have been added to the end of the document in order to educate travelers even further.Booklet Includes:* Voluntourism with a Tail - Article * 24 Project Descriptions - Overviews of the work, location, benefits, cost (if any), program lengths, age and health recommendations and much more!* Voluntourism: You Want me to Pay to do What? - Bonus article* Flight Escort Volunteering: Doubling Your Efforts with very Little Effort - Bonus articleIndependent or group travel, solo or family-friendly, budget to inclusive - it is time to get excited about this interesting and truly unique way to see the world while making a difference in the lives of animals! (32 page, 13,700 words)
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