PORTABLE Wolf Riders by David Pringle spanish download information eng book

PORTABLE Wolf Riders by David Pringle spanish download information eng book

PORTABLE Wolf Riders by David Pringle spanish download information eng book

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Book description
I must have asked for this book for Christmas either the year it came out or the year after; I would have been 10 or 11. My heart wants to give if 5 stars, as this is one of my favourite books ever, but I realise that it transported me as a kid so to read it now as an adult I might not feel the same way.That said, the title story is an atmospheric belter, No Gold In The Grey Mountains scared me to death, Pulgs Carnival is a ton of fun, and I think there might only be one duff story in there but its name escapes me, and fortunately its so short that it doesnt matter. If you want some really, REALLY good pulp fantasy to read, you wont get any better than this. I read this book so many times as a kid, youd think Id remember all the story titles!!
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