PORTABLE Willow Brown, Christmas Fairy (A Willow Short Story) by John Osborne (Goodreads Author) download fb2

PORTABLE Willow Brown, Christmas Fairy (A Willow Short Story) by John Osborne (Goodreads Author) download fb2

PORTABLE Willow Brown, Christmas Fairy (A Willow Short Story) by John Osborne (Goodreads Author) download fb2

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Book description
A short story for adults, sharing a holiday tale with the characters from The Willow Brown Stories, fairy woman Willow Brown and her “mere human” companion, Noah Phelps. Noah has always contended that living with a fairy can be brutal. Now Willow has the chance to tell her side of things, as she picks up her pen and relates the story of her best Christmas ever.Willow is skeptical when Noah asks her to accompany him to his parent’s Wisconsin dairy farm.“Meet his parents?! I wish he hadn’t put it that way. Say “I want you to see the farm” or “Let’s spend some time with the cows” or something like that. When a guy says “I want my parents to meet you” … well, there are implications. I know, I know, I’m much older than his parents are and I’m a big girl, but still. I was a basket case by the time we got to Wisconsin.”Things go well at first despite Willow’s misgivings, but soon she begins to suspect Noah isnt telling her everything. Secret chores to do, boxes being moved about and a mysterious farm building no one wants to talk about add to her suspicions. When it becomes clear that Noah’s parents are up to something as well, and the word marriage comes up, Willow plans her own surprise.Another sweet, sexy little romance from the author of An Ordinary Fairy and Willow Brown, American Fairy.Watch for a new Willow Brown short story, A Houseful of Fairies, available on May 17th, exclusively for the Kindle.
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