PORTABLE Who Stole Mona Lisa? by Ruthie Knapp book text online view format

PORTABLE Who Stole Mona Lisa? by Ruthie Knapp book text online view format

PORTABLE Who Stole Mona Lisa? by Ruthie Knapp book text online view format

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Book description
.She has a legendary smile, and millions come to see her every day. Some say she is the most famous painting in the world. Who is she? Why, the Mona Lisa, of course! But did you know that she was once stolen from her wall at the Louvre? Who took her? Why? Where was she hidden? How was she found? Someone call the police!Narrated by the lady of the enigmatic smile herself-and brought to life with gorgeous paintings that take the reader from da Vincis renaissance right up to the present day-this is a stylishly whimsical account of the glorious, wonderful, sometimes dangerous life of the best recognized painting of all time. Discover the secrets behind her mysterious smile, and hear for yourself the amazing true story of her kidnapping.
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