PORTABLE What Do You Do with a Child Like This?: Inside the Lives of Troubled Children by L. Tobin touch ipad apple reader online

PORTABLE What Do You Do with a Child Like This?: Inside the Lives of Troubled Children by L. Tobin touch ipad apple reader online

PORTABLE What Do You Do with a Child Like This?: Inside the Lives of Troubled Children by L. Tobin touch ipad apple reader online

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Book description

Book description
This is a book for educators, but it also gave me new perspective as an adoptive parent. Favorite lines:1. Ive yet to meet a troubled child who wasnt, above all else, terribly lonely. I presume loneliness even before I see the child (8).2. Behind every act of misbehavior lies a strength--a desire to express needs and not give in. Children with less spirit give up, withdraw, or maybe just conform. You have to admire the vitality of spirit in children who are willing to fight (18).3. Teach kids that they can affect their world. That is the most important thing of all (22).4. The hurt that troubled children create is never greater than the hurt they feel (27).5. Troubled children do not conceal their emotions well. They have a raw and disconcerting honesty. Perhaps thats why we call them difficult (34).6. At any given moment, any child would prefer to be seen by peers as bad rather than dumb. Some children make a career of it (51).7. Good praise, like good humor, depends mostly on timing and delivery (73).8. We tend to view misbehavior as resistance because we understand where we want children to go. Children view misbehavior as protection because they know where theyve been (96).
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