PORTABLE Wasps Nest: Hercule Poirot (Masterpieces in Miniature) by Agatha Christie bookshop value download online torrent

PORTABLE Wasps Nest: Hercule Poirot (Masterpieces in Miniature) by Agatha Christie bookshop value download online torrent

PORTABLE Wasps Nest: Hercule Poirot (Masterpieces in Miniature) by Agatha Christie bookshop value download online torrent

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Book description

Book description
Poirot visits a friend and warns him that he is in danger of being murdered. The motive: the man who is taking care of a wasps nest is an ex- of the woman the friend is currently with. Poirot learns of the time the ex- is supposed to come by and promises to return at that time.He does, and reveals the prevention of a crime.Who done it? (view spoiler)[ Poirot prevents the murder of the ex-. The friend had directed the ex- to get dangerous poison, instead of a method otherwise endorsed. The plan was to commit suicide, but have the ex- blamed for murder. (hide spoiler)]
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