PORTABLE Tuluscan Six and the Time Circle by Anne Brooke (Goodreads Author) ios original read iBooks find

PORTABLE Tuluscan Six and the Time Circle by Anne Brooke (Goodreads Author) ios original read iBooks find

PORTABLE Tuluscan Six and the Time Circle by Anne Brooke (Goodreads Author) ios original read iBooks find

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Book description
Whilst finishing up a good day’s work in the Earth Interplanetary Administration Office, Karlan Staithley is disturbed by the appearance of a strange alien called Tuluscan Six. Tuluscan tells him that in one year’s time, Earth will make contact with his people, the Lamarians, and unwittingly destroy them due to an anomaly in the planetary timelines. He, himself, has come back to warn Karlan, partly to save his people and partly as in the real timeline Karlan and Tuluscan will become lovers. Here and now, he declares his love for Karlan.At first, Karlan refuses to believe him, even though he finds himself powerfully attracted to the Lamarian, but hes eventually convinced by the in-depth knowledge Tuluscan reveals about his life—facts nobody else knows.The two men join forces to try to save their futures, but can they in fact change time? And, if they do, how can their mutual passion ever survive?
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