PORTABLE Transformative Travel by Kate Benzin (Goodreads Author) text reading without registering read acquire

PORTABLE Transformative Travel by Kate Benzin (Goodreads Author) text reading without registering read acquire

PORTABLE Transformative Travel by Kate Benzin (Goodreads Author) text reading without registering read acquire

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Book description
Kate Benzin, trekker, gets 5 stars for putting herself out there, in this case there is Nepal. Out of shape and apprehensive, Kate treks through Nepal and is smart enough to recognize that she is tougher than she thought. At fifty plus years, she struggles with altitude sickness and self doubt to go farther than she imagined, inspiring this reader to add to my bucket list. This is a short read and would have been enhanced by more detail regarding the region, customs, and culture. The bits she does share are amusing and informative, making the trek seem that much more real.
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