PORTABLE Tin by Chris Judge free view doc german selling

PORTABLE Tin by Chris Judge free view doc german selling

PORTABLE Tin by Chris Judge free view doc german selling




Book description

Book description
Tin is a young robot who is asked to look after his younger sister, Nickel. Of course, he would rather read his comic book than actually pay attention so the little robot ends up floating away on a balloon. This is just the being of their crazy adventure throughout the city. Luckily, big brother has a lot of determination and persistence. They eventually are reunited and return home. Mother never even knew they were gone so brother gets a reward for doing such a good job of taking care of Nickel. But is their adventure really over? Cute pictures and a silly story that little robot fans will enjoy. I do not like that the brother gets away with all of this and doesnt tell the mother what really happened. He gets an undeserved reward for not telling the truth. Some children might take this as an example of not having to tell mom everything.
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