PORTABLE The Wolves of Woden by Alison Baird finder download epub no registration torrent

PORTABLE The Wolves of Woden by Alison Baird finder download epub no registration torrent

PORTABLE The Wolves of Woden by Alison Baird finder download epub no registration torrent

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Book description
In The Wolves of Woden, we meet Maeves OConnors grandmother, Jean MacDougall. It is 1940 and Europe is engulfed by war. Fifteen-year-old Jean is filled with the same anxiety that plagues the rest of the British colony of Newfoundland-loved ones have left to fight abroad, and invasion is an ever-present threat. On a visit to a remote village with her family, Jean wanders off and is magically transported to a mysterious realm, Annwn. Whenever her anxieties about the war get the best of her, Jean finds herself re-entering the hidden world she has discovered.
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