PORTABLE The Vengeance of the Witch-Finder by John Bellairs free full pc phone book

PORTABLE The Vengeance of the Witch-Finder by John Bellairs free full pc phone book

PORTABLE The Vengeance of the Witch-Finder by John Bellairs free full pc phone book

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Book description
When John Bellairs passed away, Brad Strickland, a longtime fan, finished many of the incomplete novels that Bellairs had left behind. This story, the Vengeance of the Witchfinder, was one of those. In the canon of the story timeline, about a year and a half after Mrs. Zimmerman loses her powers in The Figure in the Shadows, Jonathan and Lewis take a trip across Europe, where they meet up with European cousins. I enjoyed this story, although the Ghost in the Mirror, which follow what happens to Mrs. Zimmerman and Rose Rita during this same timeline, was definitely the better of the two in my opinion. On a random side note, I JUSt found out that John Bellairs website, Bellairsia.com, has a COMPLETE list, in canon order, of ALL of his books. They even include those written by Brad Strickland following the canon of the original series. I admit, Im a geek. but this psychs me to pieces!
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