PORTABLE The Teeny-Tiny Woman by Harriet Ziefert iBooks look doc online ebay

PORTABLE The Teeny-Tiny Woman by Harriet Ziefert iBooks look doc online ebay

PORTABLE The Teeny-Tiny Woman by Harriet Ziefert iBooks look doc online ebay

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Book description
This book is predictable because pretty much everything is described as teeny tiny. This predictability characteristic is called meaningful repetition. I really liked how instead of a conflict at the end the teeny tiny woman simply gave up the bone to the scary voice. This kind of ending would be very funny to the children, especially if you use good character voices. By the end of the story it felt tedious to keep saying teeny tiny but I know if I was reading to children they wouldve really enjoyed those words and their repetition. The illustration style in this book was very good because it made the story feel happy and light. After I read this book I learned this story is based off an old English folk tale and I read the original. After reading both editions I can say that this edition was very similar to the original and it kept the central idea of the plot.
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