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Book description
Yukio Mishima is not an easy read at any time. In the four books that make up the collection, or pehaps series, (mishima didnt seem to like the idea that these were a chronological series, from what Ive managed to read of the critical commentary at the time, he seems to think of them as something like facets) he explores issues that are not easy either. He was advocate of the Imperial Japan that had carried out atrocities; a student of sado-masochism; a modernist in dress but a traditionalist in aesthetics - a complex and clearly tormented man, who lays out aspects of himself like dissected specimens in the stories he tells, but who also confronts what we now call political correctness, with a combination of head-on aggression and strange, painful, sardonic commentary.There is an involuted beauty in his work, a form of nostalgia for what is past, combined with a barely-restrained fury at the losses that modern day Japan will choose to accept, to gain rewards that he finds risible. Perhaps the most difficult part of the tetralogy to understand is the way that the main character (but anti-hero) Honda, experiences what he believes to be the fourfold reincarnation of his schoolfriend Matsugae - and the way he fails in each book to save his dearest friend from early death. Mishima did not believe in reincarnation, and it may be that this is an allegorical exploration of the deaths of Japan.The texts as a whole are definitely pessimistic in outlook, regressive in nature and elegaic for a Japan he knows can never be rebuilt; they are violent and sadistic and painful and bleak. And yet, despite all that negativity, the beauty of his descriptions and the way he explores issues of loyalty and sacrifice are quite superb.
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