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Before the founding of the Church of Satan (1966), most writings on Satanism were sensational and accusatory, not made with any interest in understanding the phenomenon, but with the intention of titillating an audience while condemning a shadowy scapegoat. This book, while it draws heavily on such sources, is an exception to that trend, which is why Anton S. LaVey drew heavily from it in writing the Satanic Rituals. Rhodes attempted a scholarly study of the phenomenon of devil-worship, and this book is the product of his work. He attempts to read his sources against the grain to come up with a plausible history of Satanism and its ritual activities and beliefs. The problem is ultimately that so many of his sources are frankly fictional. This probably did not trouble former carnival-organist LaVey, who after all was more than willing to make inflated claims about CoS membership numbers, participation in movies he had no involvement with, and personal relationships with conveniently dead celebrities who could not contradict him. From our perspective today, however, it makes this source a dubious history, more of a compilation of urban legends and folklore of an earlier era than a secondary source on an actual religion. It documents a shift in attitude in post-war morality, a half-way mark between universal condemnation of the exploration of the Left Hand Path and its open proclamation as an option on the spiritual marketplace.In short, this is an amusing and well-written document of history, but not a reliable historical source.
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