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PORTABLE The Pericles Commission by Gary Corby (Goodreads Author) ipad book macbook how read kickass

PORTABLE The Pericles Commission by Gary Corby (Goodreads Author) ipad book macbook how read kickass

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Book description
This first mystery novel by Gary Corby was surprisingly fun and im looking forward to the next books in the series. Not only was it fun, but it has increased my interest tenfold to finally buckle down and learn about Antiquity by reading classic texts and other history books i have lying around. I gave it four stars, but in some ways it is a (strong) 3.5 star book for me. Some of the writing was a little uneven and had it been another author i may have bumped it down to three stars, but i know this is a first novel and i also know that the author is incredibly nice, funny, and smart, so therefor 4 stars. Anyway, I thought Corby did a great job with dialogue, particularly when Nico was working out the puzzle and examining evidence with his secret sidekick, but some of the action scenes became a little tiresome for me--but im a girl! also, the book moves swiftly and those scenes in all honesty did nothing to detract from the book in any meaningful way. I also liked Corbys method of describing the scene of ancient Athens (places and people and the homes they lived in, how they interacted, and how they got their work done), and explaining what things were. I dont know what a classicist would think of it, but for me (a stranger in a strange land), it was most appreciated.and perhaps most importantly, Corby did a phenomenal job of setting up the plot--immediately Nico had a handful of compelling suspects, all with motives. Added to that, he was a likable (albeit naive) chap, who constantly endangered himself making enemy upon enemy throughout his investigation. This did everything to keep the reader fully engaged and invested in the story to find out if Nico can solve the riddle AND avoid death. im really looking forward to the forthcoming books in the series and can barely contain my excitement at having read the very first book at the time it was published. i recommend this to anyone who likes smart, fun mysteries.
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