PORTABLE The Nightingale and Terho the Mouse-Lad by Pia Foxhall (Goodreads Author) value pdf full mp3 book

PORTABLE The Nightingale and Terho the Mouse-Lad by Pia Foxhall (Goodreads Author) value pdf full mp3 book

PORTABLE The Nightingale and Terho the Mouse-Lad by Pia Foxhall (Goodreads Author) value pdf full mp3 book

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Book description
A story about the Nightingale - a gifted, power-hungry and malicious Unseelie shapeshifter - and Terho the mouse-lad, a chronically sick, lower class Seelie fae who only wanted to heal the sick. One was trapped in the underworlds as a punishment for his path of destruction, and the other was an innocent boy, determined to save what he thought was a wrongly caged bird.This is the tale of how they both ended up bound to one another, changing the fae world they lived within - unfortunately, not for the good of all.Art by intheendlessbluewineWords:3797 complete
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