PORTABLE The Master of Bruges by Terence Morgan (Goodreads Author) apple francais wiki writer online

PORTABLE The Master of Bruges by Terence Morgan (Goodreads Author) apple francais wiki writer online

PORTABLE The Master of Bruges by Terence Morgan (Goodreads Author) apple francais wiki writer online

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Book description
Master painter Hans Memling is without peer in the artistic world of fifteenth-century Bruges. But when he falls in love with the Princess, Marie, daughter of his powerful patron, the Duke of Burgundy, his life begins to unravel.Made reckless by his passion for Marie, Hans accepts an invitation to visit old allies in London. But there he will find himself plunged into the final stages of the War of the Roses and embroiled in one of the greatest political mysteries of all time.At once a spellbinding historical thriller and a vivid examination of the artistic impulse, The Master of Bruges is an enthralling debut.
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