PORTABLE The Living Landscape: An Ecological Approach to Landscape Planning by George A. Steiner windows without signing epub book view

PORTABLE The Living Landscape: An Ecological Approach to Landscape Planning by George A. Steiner windows without signing epub book view

PORTABLE The Living Landscape: An Ecological Approach to Landscape Planning by George A. Steiner windows without signing epub book

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Book description
This third year/postgraduate text for courses in Landscape - or Environmental - Architecture covers the entire planning process from an ecological perspective. It is organized around a series of conventional planning steps, beginning with why to plan, including the identification of problems and opportunities; continuing through the various stages of inventory and analysis; and arriving at the adoption of a plan complete with community involvement, design, implementation, and administration. The ecological perspective of the book stresses the interrelationships between people and nature. Case studies are used to illustrate how planning has been used to address environmental issues.
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