PORTABLE The Little People by John Christopher read pc link english iBooks

PORTABLE The Little People by John Christopher read pc link english iBooks

PORTABLE The Little People by John Christopher read pc link english iBooks

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Book description
The Hector Garrido cover is, unfortunately, the best thing in this book. Despite the Nazi Leprechauns on the cover (Gestapochauns? LepreNazis?) this is a book of quiet horror in which author John Christopher slowly draws his tapestry of flawed characters into a situation that starts out uncanny and then gradually darkens into pure terror. With Leprechauns.Considering that the main characters in this book are a gorgeous secretary who inherits an Irish castle from a distant relative, her patronizing lawyer/fiance who only wants her body, an Irish dreamboat who slowly sinks into alcoholism (the “curse of his race”), a married German couple (he was an officer in the SS and she was a Jewish woman he met in a concentration camp – the flashback to their romance reads like When Harry Met Sally meets Schindler’s List) and an American family consisting of two bickering parents and their hot-to-trot seventeen-year-old daughter, you’d kind of think that Christopher might be predisposed for the gonzo stuff teased on the cover rather than quiet horror, but the man wants to write quiet horror no matter how much we want him to write Gestapochauns II: The Whipping.Read the rest of this review here
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