PORTABLE The Landscaper by Robin Stone (Goodreads Author) eng find free tom touch

PORTABLE The Landscaper by Robin Stone (Goodreads Author) eng find free tom touch

PORTABLE The Landscaper by Robin Stone (Goodreads Author) eng find free tom touch

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Book description
She said her husband was at work. He wasnt. Kyle enjoys working outdoors as the owner of a small landscaping business. Most of his customers stay inside while Kyle and his crew take care of their yards. But not Tracy Dawson, the rich housewife who lives on the hill. Tracy spends summer afternoons beside the pool, watching Kyle from behind her dark sunglasses. Her flirtatious banter and low-cut bathing suits fuel Kyle’s fantasies. Tracy invites him into the guest house for a little afternoon delight. But when Tracy admits her husband was watching, Kyle gets ready for a beat-down. Instead, Mr. Dawson makes Kyle an offer he can’t refuse…This is a 12,000 word story about a landscaper who has sex for pay. This is book one in The Landscaper Series.
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