PORTABLE The Keeper by Rebecca E. Neely (Goodreads Author) ipad download sale without signing offline

PORTABLE The Keeper by Rebecca E. Neely (Goodreads Author) ipad download sale without signing offline

PORTABLE The Keeper by Rebecca E. Neely (Goodreads Author) ipad download sale without signing offline

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Book description
Nick Geary, jaded clan leader of human guardians the Keepers, is doomed to love a human woman who’s forgotten him, time after time, for thirteen years: Libby Klink, a skittish accountant who’s as terrified of her recent and strange intuitions as she is of her mundane existence.When Nick is ordered by the clan’s guiding force to seek Libby’s help in defending the clan against enemy Betrayers, romance sizzles as the pair forms an unlikely alliance in their desperate search to discover the key to the clan’s salvation—which Libby alone holds. But a haunting secret could cost Nick everything, and in a race against time, both will be forced to choose between their hearts and duty. Can their love, and the clan survive, or will the very forces that drew them together ultimately destroy them?
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