PORTABLE The Heartless Stone: A Journey Through the World of Diamonds, Deceit, and Desire by Tom Zoellner (Goodreads Author) without signing author get access online

PORTABLE The Heartless Stone: A Journey Through the World of Diamonds, Deceit, and Desire by Tom Zoellner (Goodreads Author) without signing author get access online

PORTABLE The Heartless Stone: A Journey Through the World of Diamonds, Deceit, and Desire by Tom Zoellner (Goodreads Author) wit…

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Book description

Book description
In 2000, Tom Zoellner purchased a diamond engagement ring and proposed.В His girlfriend said, yes and then, suddenly, walked out of his life makingВ TomВ the owner of a usedВ engagement ring.В  Instead of hitting the self-help shelves of his local bookstore,В heВ hit the road travelling to diamond mines in Africa, Canada, India, Brazil and Russia to discover the true worth ofВ this shining gem. В He travelled to Japan to understand how diamonds were linked with engagementsВ and delved into the history of our own American romance with the diamondВ ring. He gained entry toВ DeBeers, the London diamond merchants. He visited shopping mallВ jewellers withВ starry-eyed couples.В Through all of his travels, he searched forВ an answer to the question How has one stone created empires, ruined lives, inspired lust and emptied wallets throughout history? A diamond version of Susan Orleanss The Orchid Thief, Tom Zoellners The Heartless Stone is a journeyВ  to the cold heart of the worldsВ most unyielding gem.
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