PORTABLE The Dressmaker by Elizabeth Birkelund Oberbeck flibusta no registration online how to original

PORTABLE The Dressmaker by Elizabeth Birkelund Oberbeck flibusta no registration online how to original

PORTABLE The Dressmaker by Elizabeth Birkelund Oberbeck flibusta no registration online how to original

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Book description
Claude Reynaud is an old-fashioned tailor, designing his famous gowns by hand in a cluttered studio well outside Paris. But one spring afternoon a woman arrives in search of a wedding dress and shatters all his composure: Valentine de Verlay is charming, beautiful, sophisticated, and, of course, engaged. Though he has long since given up on romance in favor of his work, Claude is instantly smitten.As Valentines wedding approaches, Claude finds it impossible to keep a safe distance, and everything hes come to rely on in his small, focused life looks ready to collapse. Worse still, it appears that Valentine may share his feelings.The Dressmaker is a perfect gem of a novel, an enchanting portrait of another world, and, above all, a sly and irresistible love story.
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