PORTABLE The Anubis Oracle: A Journey into the Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt by Nicki Scully (Goodreads Author) original android link online how download

PORTABLE The Anubis Oracle: A Journey into the Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt by Nicki Scully (Goodreads Author) original android link online how download

PORTABLE The Anubis Oracle: A Journey into the Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt by Nicki Scully (Goodreads Author) original android link

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Book description

Book description
A divination tool to connect with guides from the Egyptian pantheon• A 35-card deck with original artwork by award-winning illustrator Kris Waldherr• Guidebook includes detailed card interpretations and 8 divinatory spreads• By the authors of Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt: Awakening the Healing Power of the HeartThe Anubis Oracle is a shamanic guide to inner Egypt, a place of mystery, ancestral wisdom, and abiding love that resides within each of us. It is a place where the neteru--the archetypal deities and elemental spirits from the Egyptian pantheon--lead us on our journey of transformation, a journey designed to open our hearts and teach us the inner workings of the soul. The full-color deck contains a Key Card, a card for each of the 22 deities and 4 elements, and 8 composite cards that portray several deities together. These composites represent 8 major portals of initiation and complex archetypal relationships. The accompanying book provides detailed interpretations for each card and instructions for 8 divinatory spreads that include entering into the mystery, achieving higher love and wisdom, and identifying our sacred purpose. By divining with the neteru, the shaman within awakens. This allows the neteru to reveal the answers we seek in our personal lives and in our interactions with the world by connecting us with the wisdom, guidance, and shamanic mysteries of Egypt that live within us.
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